Saturday, August 29, 2009

Relfection 1

Every present must have a past and every creation must have a master. We as a society would not be where we are today if it wasn’t for the progressive thoughts of man and the inventions they have birthed. Among the many inventions man has perfected some include the invention of the wheel, the control of fire, and evolution of the written word. According to Greek mythology, Prometheus defied the Olympians and faced their wrath in order to give mankind the gift of fire which would be used for cooking and for protection. While we know that fire is no gift, that does not diminish its importance and uses. While we may not know how fire was created, we have come to learn interesting facts of our own physical development and interactions amongst one another. For example, the jaws of prehistoric man became smaller and the teeth became less animalistic due to the lack of raw meat in their diets. They learned more civilized “house hold” skills such as cooking. Even our prehistoric mothers have had the luck of slaving over a “hot stove”. The female was more vulnerable to the theft of the meals which led to finding a mate who would dominate and was physically capable of giving protection. It’s hard to imagine life without all the inventions the wheel has led to. From automobiles to computer disk drives, the wheel has been a necessary gadget to the evolution of mankind. Transportation is vital to our current lifestyle. It is absurd how we have taken for granted how simple our everyday tasks have been made due to the development of the automobile. Life has been made easier by certain inventions such as the wheel. The history of writing can be traced back to the Sumerian civilization. The primitive style of cuneiform led to the more finesse style of the Egyptians pictured hieroglyphics which was the first step to creation of the alphabet. These were the humble beginnings of the world wide phenomenon that is writing. The fascinating thing about writing is that every culture has its own form. However in essence it is all the same. I believe as a future educator it is important to learn the history of these pivotal inventions to have a better understanding of our world today. With this understanding we as educators can inspire the future generations to further develop our world’s technologies for it is impossible to move forward if you do not know and understand the past.

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