Thursday, October 15, 2009

Reflection 9

To have multicultural awareness is not something one can acquire over night. In order to have multicultural awareness, one must be in tune with themselves such as their senses and also in tune with the surroundings around them. Meditation can take affect with multicultural awareness. When a person meditates it is a form of concentration as well as relaxation. In doing so a person focuses all the energy on a positive force and they find inner peace. This can have something to do with multicultural awareness because when a person is aware, it is not just something they say they know because they consider themselves a good person. What I mean by this is a person can say they are no racist or prejudice and they can say they welcome diversity. However, in order for this to be completely true a person should put themselves in another’s shoes. I don’t mean they have to completely change but more like educate themselves in other cultures and have an open mind about the diversity that surrounds them every day. To be conscious does not mean to be awake and see the obvious. It is a form of being aware in depth. According to the passage there are eight levels of consciousness. I find this to be very interesting. The levels vary from different states. The levels vary from right before you go to sleep, to being dull, to being fully aware of your surroundings. I found this article to be very informative. It dipped into the scientific views dealing with the brain and the atoms and physics. Everyone is born with ideals values and beliefs. Every day we are subjected to different experiences meeting new people and learning from one another. We do not necessarily have to agree on everything but as we continue to grow we become more aware of new things and expand our mind. This can benefit people because this can help to become a well rounded human being which is something everyone should strive to become. Some people believe in astronomy. By this I mean some people believe things happen to them when certain stars line up or when there is a change in something dealing with our galaxy. I would not say I agree with this to the extreme but I do believe there are certain energies and auras that surround us making us feel different things. I believe in negative and positive energy and whatever you surround yourself with will be the outcome of what you exude.

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